November 15, 2020

Ok so the pandemic’s not over

It’s been 8 months and we’re still not in clover

My quest is curtailed, my travel on hold

I’m eager, I’m ready, but not quite so bold

As I’d need to be to head off to Montana

Nebraska, Wisconsin, or North-South Dakota

Or Idaho or to lovely Wyoming

Because right now thats where the COVID is roaming.


I keep hearing trump say that we’re rounding the bend

The illness and death will miraculously end.

Lucky for us, I can say with no hesitancy

the one thing that’s sure to end soon is his presidency.


I could write a whole poem about the election we had,

And how through it all trump’s behavior’s been bad

And how the Republicans aid and abet as he tries

To undermine faith in the system with lies

But so far his lawsuits and whines and his boasts

Have gotten him nowhere; this loser is toast.

I eagerly sit here and await the day

When he ceases to matter and just goes away.

So while I could write that poem, I just won’t

If you feel like writing that poem, well, just don’t.


So back to the fact that I spend all my days

At home in my bubble,. I can’t get away

To work on my 50 in Fifty, and so

I will tell you how my days tend to go.

To keep my self sane, I ride on my bike

go for countless dog walks and I frequently hike.

I signed up for boot camp, a most intense class

The sprints and sleds gave me a kick in the ass.


At home I painted the trim super white

I cut down the trees with the lanternfly blight.

I painted the tin on the carriage house ceiling

And painted it red on the side that was peeling.

I went up to Maine when my mom had a scare

But she’s strong and she barely needed me there.

With clipper I attacked privet and stiltgrass and thorn

A tough job for which I was practically born

I did this at home and I did it away

Knotgrass at the pond, Olive at RHA.

I went to three handfuls of meetings, all Zooms

We couldn’t have met in the conference rooms.


And lately I’m focused on my biggest dream

I’m building a strategy and creating a team

To convince several mayors and Somerset County

That building a new trail will bring with it a bounty-

Connected communities, happier, healthier peeps

Who get to know each other, and together they reap

The harvest of sharing in virtues, not vices

And also we get higher real estate prices.


These things all of my time have been taking

And one things for sure; I’m not gonna start baking.

I leave it to others to take up this craze

To fold and to mix, to whisk and to glaze

So go ahead, please, breads and pastries, go bake.

I’m stopping by Cocoluxe and buying a cake.