Explore the 50 States, expand your mind and your lungs!



IMG-20130721-01047Welcome to my blog, 50 in the Fifties! I am a 52 year old mom of two grown daughters. I just recently left a part time job that I held for 5 years and loved- working at a physical therapy office with senior citizens who have problems with walking and balance.  I wanted to make room in my life for my next chapter- whatever that will be.  And I wanted to be more available to my family- my aging parents, my grown but still growing girls, my husband of 27 years, my closest friends, and yes, the dog.

I have always been active and adore athletics and challenging myself. I love hiking, cycling, swimming, and especially soccer. I tolerate running but I’m working on my attitude towards that. In my job, I noticed that those seniors who stayed active and exercised, both aerobically and through strength training, aged BETTER. They remain happiest, most independent, most engaged, most alive. I want to do everything I can to give myself the best possible chance of aging well.

One day, probably during a bike ride, mind wandering where it will, I came up with the idea of completing an endurance event in each of the 50 states before I reach 60 years of age- and 50 in the Fifties was born. This was last summer- I’m terrible on the computer and not much for sitting still long enough to learn how to blog- but I got going right away on the active part- “bagging states.”  The  entries in this blog will detail my discoveries and achievements along the way.

Whenever possible, I want to find activities that teach me something about the state while I am sweating my way through the event.  I need to listen to my body along the way, I will age, I will have injuries, I will have time constraints. And I lost 2 years in my fifties before even coming up with this idea. So here we go- if anyone has fabulous ideas for a particular state, please share.  It starts…!


I'll Never Walk Alone
I’ll Never Walk Alone


14 thoughts on “Explore the 50 States, expand your mind and your lungs!”

  1. Good work Kerry and nice write up. Just noticing that you’re setting yourself up for 7-8 events a year — you should include x-country and maybe snowmobiling!

    1. Thanks, Eric! I hope you will join me in Virginia. I would love to bag the state with you. You are right about winter pursuits. My friend Suze found a few in Vermont- I’m thinking a snowshoe race might be fun!

      Thanks for checking out my blog. Happy 2015 to all of you.

  2. Here is a bike ride in PA: http://battleagainsthunger.org/the-bike-ride/
    It is to benefit Toni’s soup kitchen in Montclair NJ

    On September 6, 2014 our 12th annual 200-mile bike tour begins in Gettysburg, PA. Utilizing the least traveled roads whenever possible, the route chosen provides riders with breathtaking views of the Amish and central Pennsylvania countryside. The route is a combination of flat, rolling, and hilly terrain. In addition, we offer a One-Day Ride on Sunday, September 7, 2014 leaving from and returning Washington Crossing State Park, PA. There are 100-mile, 100k and 30-mile ride options.

    1. that sled one looks incredibly difficult! but it would be a challenge. Thanks for these they are cool!

      1. Mt. Greylock is great in any season. I live near it. Let me know what fits. A snowshoe climb would be great.

        1. I climbed Greylock last month with my daughter, the Thunderbolt route. It reminded me of the snowshoe race. I cannot imagine how hard that would be on snowshoes. It was a good challenge on a perfect fall day.

          Hope to run into you again someday.

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